call me originé

As II grow older, II find myself coming into a richer understanding of the manifold things Words can mean and the omnibus meaning(s) words assign and ascribe to so-called Things.

Words and words not only mean things, they also make things and meanings.

Words bring forth life and living, resting and striving, thinking and thriving, believing and becoming, emerging and evolving— in an essential and eternal sense.

Words are Verbs. Wording is meaning-Making.

To Word is to make/create some thing with some meaning in some way through poetic activation— self-expression.

Thus, to name oneself is to make oneself.

With this in mind, II introduce myself to you as Originé.

Originé is the timbre of voice you hear when II speak.

Originé is the spirit you feel when II show up and show out.

Originé is the form you see when II move through mortal worlds.

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The word(ing) Originé is a poetic neologism, a/n homage to our hybridity— etymologically reminscent of the latin originationem and aborigine; phonetically resplendent and unequivocally Buh-LACK. (PERIOD!!!)

II mean this word(ing) to bring to mind and refer to me, myself, and my N.I.G.G.A.S. (negro⩭native, indigenous, geoethnic/generational, americanesque sumbodies).

NegroNative in/to the modern historical worldscape.

Indigenous via our innately afro/ancient ways, wisdoms, and worldviews.

Geoethnic by consequence of colonial transport and sociological circumstance.

Generational through bonds of consanguineal and transcendental kinship.

Americanesque as culturally prolific denizens of the United States.

Sumbodies composed of flesh, energy, magic, will, and mystery.

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This Word(ing) NOW having been stated,

whose meaning is now MADE —

you may call me Originé.

Originé is the II that is we and the we that II am.

Originé is the peoplehood II am always already wholly a part of and never apart from.

We mold our selves…

In/out of tears and laughter, flesh and bones, dice and dominoes, dirt and clay, songs and dreams, sweat and cum, love and rage, seeds and soil, saltwater and afterbirth, baked beans and neckbones, gang signs and trademarks, pink Cadillacs and Purple Rain, stained work-shirts and caps and gowns, pimping and preaching, learning and line-dancing, cutting up sideways and satting down somewhere, easter speeches and eulogies… conjuring and conjugating hope and despair, joy and pain, sunshine and rain… through every danger, toil and snare, overlook and lynching, constant crucifixion and resurrection…

into wonderfully fearful, living, breathing incarnations of poetic possibility.

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We are, each one and all of us, selves with/in our own birthright.

Embodiments of soulpower, selfcraft, and will-expression.

Regular. Revolutionary. Most importantly— Real.

In a wordOriginé.